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Thursday, September 19, 2013

PlayStation Vita: Newer generation.

Just like the PlayStation Portable before it, the PlayStation Vita comes in iterations. There's the standard, original Vita, and then there's the new, even nicer version. Sony has unveiled the new iteration recently at a Japanese event, at Tokyo Game Show 2013. So, what's different? Not that much. As it turns out, it still seems to be a Vita.
The good news is that it's a far lighter, more comfy version of the Vita you already know and (maybe) love. Rounded edges make holding the Vita a lot less less abrasive -- the sharper angles on the original Vita were beautiful from a design perspective, but not so much from an ergonomic standpoint. The buttons have been reassembled as well, with a solid click for each (the start / select / PS Home buttons are also all now circles instead of ovals). And ofcourse the micro-USB port for charging is an unbelievably welcome addition. Gone are the days of your proprietary Vita charging cable (though there's still a port for it as well, should you refuse to change).
And that's not the only ergonomic improvement: the new Vita is dramatically lighter than its predecessor, making it easier to take on-the-go. It has been said that battery life is also much improved, but it's yet to be proven in real life, so judgment will bee reserved for now.

Sources: Engadget

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